- Born on: September 4, 1969
- Departed on: June 22, 2003
James L. Werner
James L. Werner, 33 of Cedar Rapids, died Sunday June 22, at University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics from complications following a courageous battle with leukemia. Memorial Services will be held Saturday July12 at 6 pm at 1701 Wilson Ave SW, Cedar Rapids. The Cremations Society of Eastern Iowa in charge of the arrangements. Surviving are two daughters, Ariel from Vinton and Ashley from Bettendorf, Parents Mary and husband Dennis Packingham of Cedar Rapids, a sister Jennifer and husband Gary Michalec of Cedar Rapids, two step sisters, Heather and Brenda, two step brothers, Jim and Robert, a grandmother, Virginia M. Kumm of Lacrosse, WI, two aunts, Kathleen and husband Charles Foust of LaCresent, MN and Judith of Yatesville, GA, and two nieces of Cedar Rapids and fifteen step nieces and nephews. His grandfather Harold E. Kumm preceded him in death. James was born September 4, 1969 in Lacrosse, WI. He was a computer guru and ready to help anyone when problems arose. He enjoyed motorcycling and playing darts. James contributed much of his time to the Childrens Miracle Network. Please send any memorials to Jennifer L. Michalec, 1701 Wilson Ave SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403.