Protection from the ever-increasing costs of funeral expenses.

Like almost all other essentials, the prices associated with a funeral and burial seem to increase every year. No one likes to think about their own mortality, and it’s even less appealing when you have to consider the thousands of dollars associated with services for end-of-life care. It is an inevitable event we all have to face.
Iowa Cremation offers low-cost alternatives to expensive and elaborate funerals. When you pre-pay for your cremation, you lock in the price. No matter how much time passes before you need it, this price guaranteed contract ensures your family will not be burdened with additional charges for the cremation. Affordable monthly payments and interest-free financing make it simple for you to secure your price-guaranteed cremation.
The funds paid for your price guaranteed cremation are deposited into an irrevocable trust, owned by Iowa Cremation and held with US Bank, N.A. In accordance with the law of the State of Iowa, Chapter 523A, the deposits are monitored by the Insurance Division of the Iowa Securities and Regulated Industries Bureau.
For those who may be concerned about eligibility for Title 19 or Medicaid, your Iowa Cremation contract will automatically become irrevocable at the time you are approved for Title 19 or Medicaid, which means it will not be considered an “asset” in determining whether you qualify for government assistance.
For more information about the benefits of our price guaranteed contracts, call us at 1-888-871-3361 and speak with one of our licensed professional staff members or use our simple Contact Us Form.

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